Kiindulópontunk: a történelem során a szexualitásról szóló vallási normák változtak. A PhotoVoice során képsorozatot készítünk a vallás és szexualitás témaköréről. Első alkalommal példák megbeszélése és GIMP képszerkesztés tanulása. A második alkalommal (február 27. 20:00) a képek bemutatása és tapasztalatcsere.

Résztvevők hozzanak magukkal laptopot.

Religious moral codes strive to regulate and influence human behaviour, including sexual activity. Such moral codes, are not static, they change over the course of time. Early Christianity around 400 to 600 AD was not homophobic, in fact, hostility and intolerance only appeared in the 12th century. Current religious attitudes are also changing, for instance, in 2013 Anglican retired Archbishop, Desmund Tutu, proclaimed: "I would not worship a God who is homophobic".

PhotoVoice is a method using images to “give voice” and to empower marginalised communities. The two events will allow participants to visually express how they perceive the interaction between their religion, or spirituality and sexuality. In the first event (5thFebruary) examples of LGBT+ PhotoVoice will be presented, followed by a crash course on image editing, using the legally free photo-editing software GIMP. Participants may then make their own PhotoVoice project during the LGBT History month, which they are encouraged to share during the second event (27th February), when participants may discuss their experience of any religion and sexuality.

2016. február 5. (péntek), 18:00


1084 Budapest, Auróra u. 11.

Holland Kati