A populizmus Európa-szerte erősödik. Az LMBTI jogok ügye gyakran éles vitákat vált ki. Oroszország az egész kontinensen terjeszti homofóbiáját. Rémy Bonny politikatudós az LMBTI mozgalom és az ellenmozgalmak politikára gyakorolt hatásáról beszél Közép- és Kelet-Európában.
Fifty years after the Stonewall Uprising, the LGBTI-movement all around the world became much more visible. The 2005 Cultural Festival of Equality in Poland is seen as Central & Eastern Europe's Stonewall. In 2008, the Hungarian government introduced registered partnerships for same-sex couples. In general, within the European Union the LGBTI-community made a lot of progress in the last two decades. Nevertheless, populist forces all over Europe rise. Hungary’s Viktor Orban issued a new constitution which explicitly states that a marriage is union between a man and a woman. Fortunately, the EU is there to protect the basic rights of its citizens. But what if the populists win the next European Elections in May 2019? And what if we cross the border of the EU? Russia uses its soft power not only to fight its domestic LGBTI-community, but also to spread institutionalised homophobia in ‘Gayropa'. Is it really getting better? Political scientist Rémy Bonny will initiate his audience in the world of LGBTI Politics in Central and Eastern Europe through personal research experiences. A great emphasis will also be given to the history of the LGBTI-community in post-communist Europe.